Independent Thoughts & Solutions to Current Events. Looking Towards the Future.

Dog (Axel) looking into the distance.
Happy dog (Axel) looking up at viewer.
Happy Axel:

Hey you! Did you know that it’s amazing that you’ve come this far in life, that you have an important purpose to fulfil and are loved? Did you know that there are complete strangers all over the world, who want you to live your life to the positive fullest, even though they’ve never met you? I’m one of those strangers, and I know there are many more.
That’s why you will find in this blog post various educational videos, where you can pick and choose information that could be useful to you and your family.

It could change your life (for the better)!

January 2021 – The Road Ahead

Photo of happy dog looking back at camera.

The road ahead for this Ōkami fansite is clear – I will continue to update it with fresh Ōkami news and content throughout 2021.
I also have strong suspicions that we’ll get some big news about an Ōkami sequel this year!
The road ahead for mankind in 2021 is a little less clear of course, but allow me to share some positive thoughts about the real life good vs. evil battles that the world is being dragged into.

Ōkami Ammy (Amaterasu’s) Black Eyes Explained

Three fanarts of Ammy. Text: Wolf eyes, Black eyes, ...No eyes?
Ammy tilts her head, Issun standing on her head.
(Actual video game footage)

In the Ōkami video game, are Ammy’s eyeballs black, empty voids, or some kind of expression of her spiritual energy? Why are Ammy’s eyes so dark?

Some Ōkami fanart shows Ammy as having normal (or specially coloured) wolf eyes, while some fanart shows Ammy as having purely black eyes, and other fanart will show absolute blackness/voids, as though there were no eyes there at all.
This blog post aims to make sense of Ammy’s eyes.

Book Review: “Four Feet to Fame: A Hollywood Dog Trainer’s Journey”

Cover page of "Four Feet to Fame: A Hollywood Dog Trainer's Journey"

Every now and again, I’ll be posting a book review on this fansite.
The inspiration for today’s book review came after writing about a particular Ōkami fan artwork in my previous post, which reminded me of the great “Lassie” story.
I’ve read lots of dog-related books, and watched lots of dog-related movies over the years. This particular book I’ve read in June 2017, about a remarkable dog trainer whose work has positively influenced my own life.

There is More to This Tale Than Most People Know!

A young woman and her child sister, observing sudden rain that Ammy (who is standing behind them with a smile on her face) has created.

In Honour of Ōkami’s positive achievements, this shrine fansite was created and fellow supporters’ praise displayed within it, for all fans to see and enjoy.

Man walking in park, carrying small dog.
Big day in the city (park) – by

Hey there! I’m Ben – a long-time Ōkami fan, Web developer and online producer, and also this fansite’s creator.

Ikumi Nakamura and Hideki Kamiya Twitter announcement of wanting to make a sequel to Okami, October 18 2019
“We want to make a sequel”

The decision to finally make a fansite showing off the beautiful artistic creations and sentiments of other fans, came in October 2019, after Ikumi Nakamura and Hideki Kamiya expressed their desire to create a sequel to the remarkable video game Ōkami.

Hideki Kamiya was Ōkami’s director and writer, and Ikumi Nakamura worked on Ōkami as an environment artist. Together with the skilled and dedicated people and President/CEO Atsushi Inaba of Clover Studio, they had created a beautiful and entertaining video game that positively touched many people around the world.

What are Your Favourite Things in Ōkami, You Wish Were in Ōkami’s Sequel?

Axel the dog, joyfully standing on a cake, surrounded by food that he loves.

So, what are the things that might make Ōkami 2 enjoyable to you, based on what you enjoyed in the original? What was it about Ōkami, that you remember with a positive feeling?

The reason why I ask, is because it’s been fourteen years since Ōkami was first released, and a lot of things have changed in the world (of gaming) – a lot of things not necessarily for the better. However, there’s a timeless and independent quality to Ōkami that made it unique back in 2006, and can also make it stand out positively today (perhaps even more than in 2006).

Basic Internet Browsing & Safety Tips

Ammy and her puppy-son Chibiterasu cuddling happily.

Basic Internet browsing and safety tips for kids, teens and adults to help boost overall safety and privacy online.
Because Internet-stuff is my profession and therefore know that not everything out there is as nice as it should be, I make an effort to only allow links to quality websites from this fansite. In addition, I’d like to share some good advice to help keep you safe.

Even mighty little gods and goddesses can do with some quality advice, when going out into the big wide world.

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