HEY AMMY!: Ōkami Fanart Gallery #11

Very exaggerated poster-type drawing of Ammy with her mouth open, seemingly brashly shouting.

Bow-Wow! Ōkami fanart that’s a lot like the Ōkami fanart paintings and drawings in “Ammy the Symbol” but for a younger audience – an audience that still hasn’t felt the urgency of acquiring wisdom, but instead seeks adventure and excitement. (Resulting in the “unintended side-effect” of wisdom.)

These artworks show, and also invite the brashness of youth and the seemingly endless power and possibilities that unwavering belief in oneself and ones’ mission can bring about. Let’s leap right in!

Battles Worth Fighting – Wounds of Combat: Ōkami Fanart Gallery #9

Ammy physically attacking a much larger Ninetails, teeth bared, flames and lightning flashing.

Ammy engaged in combat with evil, to bring light, life and beauty back into the world; herself however, inescapably drawn into the brutality, baseness and perils of direct battle.
Like the “Divine Retribution” post, but also showing the physical and emotional wounds, as well as the wrenching of the soul that facing evil can inflict. There is no beauty in combat, as necessary (or unnecessary) as it may be at times – it is only horror.
One can stand in awe of such combat’s spectacle, but hope to never be pulled in.

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