Website Art, Graphics & Other Sources, Plus Posting & Linking Policies

Website Art, Graphics & Other Sources, Plus Posting & Linking Policies

I thank all the artists and creatives featured on this fansite, for their beautiful and impressive contributions to us fellow Ōkami fans!

Every artwork, story or fan submission will have a source link or attribution beneath it, or the sources will be listed at the bottom of the page or on this page.

Here are the sources of art and graphics used throughout the fansite, but not immediately credited (due to design or practicality considerations):

  • Ammy asleep near a large 4-leaf clover to the left of the painting. Very beautiful and lush plantlife all around, small waterfalls, a Guardian Sapling tree in full bloom. – Fansite background image by black-dicefish
  • website header - Ammy/Shiranui running, leaving behind a trail of flowers. – Fansite header image (edited), original by Dzaka
  • Pixel-drawing of Shiranui. – Home page call to action image by LeoKatana
  • – Home page section divider (edited), original by
  • – Home page end decoration (edited), original by
  • Ammy feeding and playing with animals. – Home page “Collecting Praise” pic (cropped), original by Mamath
  • Happy Chibiterasu with treasures. – Home page “Showing Praise” pic (cropped), original by Source_Pending
  • Painting of Ammy being admired and praised by Sakuya and the residents of Kamiki Village. – Home page “Ōkami Now! Forum” pic (edited), original by Flipsi
  • Issun and Ammy resting beneath a four-leaf clover, issun is writing. – Blog sidebar profile image by Source_Pending
  • Portrait painting of Ammy looking upwards. – Blog sidebar “Where to Start” image (cropped), original by BrushAndTea
  • Portrait of Ammy, calmly sitting at the top of a mountainous region, looking towards her right – Website icon (cropped), original by BrushAndTea
  •  – Inner Ōkami Shining Sun graphic by Clover Studio/Capcom
  • friendly dog with tongue hanging out, sitting and looking at viewer, waiting. – Photos of my doggie Axel, by Ben (
  • Dog lying on ground, resting, looking ahead. Sunny weather. – Photos of family doggie Jessie, by Ben (
  • Stock photos from

Art and photo posting policies

Only art and creative works with a similar or lower “maturity” rating and themes of the Ōkami video game will be shown.

Artists and authors requesting changes, updates or removal of old works shown on this website can do so at any time – this can take a few days to get done, but usually happens quickly. (Use the contact page to get in touch.)

Only my favourite Ōkami fanart and creative works get shown on the blog. I can’t please everyone or be a “perfect” judge of what is “best”, so I’ll just keep it lazy simple and only show what I personally like the most.

All fans, artists and authors are welcome to show their Ōkami goodies in our forum!

I don’t accept money, trades or “kickbacks” for mentioning or posting anything on this fansite – I’m just an Ōkami fan, like you, doing this in my spare time.

Web link policies

I can’t be held responsible for the content elsewhere on the Internet, including to websites I link to, however I make an effort to only link to websites of a reasonably high standard.

When linking to the source of an artwork, story or photo, and especially when there are several sources available, then the source with the fewest ads and trackers will usually be chosen.

If the only source available has a lot of ads or trackers, or links to very low quality websites, then another source may be requested.

If the source has links to other creative works or themes with a higher “maturity” rating than the Ōkami video game, then another source may be requested unless the website has an age filter and is predominantly rated for general audiences.

If the artist or author requests a link back to their web store, then it should either be a “popular and secure” web store, or be provably secure and reliable.

Affiliate links, or links hiding the destination are never used.

A link to this fansite’s Privacy Policy is at the bottom of every page.

These policies can change in the future, but will more or less remain like this: sources are mentioned, preferably no links to ad-infested or bad websites, prefer to discuss only my personal favourite examples of Ōkami fan-works on blog, and allow fans to show their own creative goodies on our forum.

By Web Developer Ben – Fansite Founder and Owner.
Passionate dog person, but also likes cats and animals in general. Web developer and online producer, who became an Ōkami fan after coming across nice fanart eleven years ago and then playing the video game. Now inspired to do the same for other potential fans.

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